
General Lance W. Lord (USAF) (retired)

Chairman and CEO of L2 Aerospace

LANCE W. LORD, has served as a Director of the Company since September 2016. General Lord is the Founder and Chairman of L2 Aerospace, an innovative company founded in 2010 to shape and influence the business competition in the dynamic and emerging commercial, civil and defense aerospace markets. General Lord is the former Commander of Air Force Space Command (“AFSPC”) and CEO of ASTROTECH Space Operations. While with AFSPC at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado, General Lord was responsible for the development, acquisition and operation of Air Force space and missile weapon systems. Overseeing a global network of satellite command and control, communications, missile warning and launch facilities to ensure the combat readiness of the U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile force, he led more than 39,700 personnel who provided combat capabilities to North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Strategic Command. General Lord retired from the Air Force in 2006. General Lord is a member of the Board of Directors of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings (NYSE:AJRD). General Lord is also a Senior Associate of the Four Star Group, a member of the board of directors of the Sletten Construction Companies, a member of the board of directors of Boneal Aerospace, a member of Hypergiant’s Advisory Board, a senior advisor to US Global HF Net, LLC, a member of the Iridium Corporation’s Government Advisory Board, a member of US Strategic Command’s Senior Advisory Group, an emeritus member of the Board of Directors for the Challenger Learning Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a Trustee of the Falcon Foundation, former Chairman of the Board of Advisors of USO Colorado Springs and President of the Association of Air Force Missileers. General Lord served as a member of the President’s Space-Based Position, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board from 2011 to 2013. He is also a senior advisor to Chandra Space Technologies, Skeyeon Space Systems and Measured Risk LLC. General Lord’s unique experience as Commander, Air Force Space Command, as well as his other Air Force and commercial activities provides key insights for the Board, particularly as it relates to future space platforms and relevant technologies.

Chairman of the Board
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